Health & safety guidelines

Before your appointment

  • If your dog has never been groomed, or struggles with their current groomer I may request that we have a consultation prior to our first groom to assess the length of the groom and establish any issues that may arise.

  • When booking the appointment please be transparent about any health issues, sensitivities or special requests.

  • The Golden Rule of Grooming is Humanity Over Vanity and means that severe matting may result in shaving or uneven cuts, or if I feel that your dog or myself is at risk for harm at any point due to aggression or anxiety I reserve the right to cut the appointment short.

During your appointment

  • I schedule a minimum of three hours for a groom. Your dog may require more or less time than this and I will always communicate with you if this standard timeframe will be different.

  • Severe matting may result in additional charges and/or shaving as necessary.

  • Your dog will be supervised during the entire groom and will not be in an enclosed space with other dogs.

  • All dogs will be given a potty break before and after the groom.

  • No treats will be given to your pup without explicit consent by you.